Shell's Journey

My name is Shelley. I"m 31 years old. I'm happily married to Jason and mother to Jakob. I'm on a journey to chronicle my weight loss and the ups and downs.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Okay, I had to take a break from the math homework. All the numbers were blurring together and I was making stupid mistakes. I'm not feeling to well today. The scales did read 242 which is down two pounds but I'm still not totally happy. I have a better mindset this week especially since my MIL and I are starting our walks back up. I love visiting with her. SHe helps me keep what little sanity I have!!!! I love having another female to talk to.
School is going good. I'm pulling an A+ in math class so far. I'm pretty proud of it. I have gotten A's on everything so far. Computer class I'm sure will continue to be a breeze. Communications and English, well, they are what they are and I have to try harder in them. All of my teachers are pretty nice. There are a couple that are boring but none that are mean which is cool by me.
Home life is going well. Jakob is still ornery as he can be but he's a good kid so I can't argue. Jason is still Jason. There is nothing new on that front.
Grandma is not getting better but not worse. I'm using different tactics so I can get some sleep and they seem to be working. I love her alot. It is just hard to see her so confused. WHen she's confused, she's not the grandma that I grew up with. It makes me wonder if this is what is in the cards for me. I think Parkinson's is hereditary and I've had two grandparents with it. MY grandmother on my mom's side and my grandfather on my dad's side. I wasn't around grandpa much so I didn't see the effects except on the few occasions that I went to see him and he had no clue who I was. Grandma knows who I am but can get really gruff with me which isn't like her at all. I know it isn't going to get any better. I can handle it but it is hard.


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