Shell's Journey

My name is Shelley. I"m 31 years old. I'm happily married to Jason and mother to Jakob. I'm on a journey to chronicle my weight loss and the ups and downs.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


Okay, it's the start of a new week. I'm going to make the best of this week. I can't keep doing what I've been doing because it obviously isn't working for me. I've made a detailed plan of my weekend and will continue to do it through the week. The times may not be exact but the purpose is to get the whole thing done. I've allotted for 60 minutes of exercise time. I've allotted it in 2 increments but will settle for one 60 minute walk if I have to. I will exercise for an hour a day. I need to think of it as me time. I go for a walk and can clear my head. It is a huge motivator once I get my lazy butt out there and do it. I am capable of doing this and need to work my butt off literally. I want into my size 18 jeans by November. I will make that my first major goal and to get out of the 230's for good. I thought I was out of the 240's for good and surprise their back. They are back for a very short visit and I'm kicking them to the curb. Okay, I'm off to go take a walk. Wish me luck!!! LOL!!!!!


At 11:22 PM, Blogger breakaway said...

Loved ur blog today! It made me want to exercise too :) And I'm about to go downstairs right now and fight with the treadmill! YOu are doing fantastic and if you don't have a loss this week something is wrong with ur scale. GOod luck this week


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