Shell's Journey

My name is Shelley. I"m 31 years old. I'm happily married to Jason and mother to Jakob. I'm on a journey to chronicle my weight loss and the ups and downs.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Why is my topic points? Well, Carrie and I have started a new challenge for this month. It's going to be based on a points system. IT's going to be fun. We get to earn points for losing weight, exercising, and drinking water. We lose points for gains, not exercising, and no water. YOu have to have penalties as well as rewards. At the end of four weeks or whenever we designate the end of the challenge to be, whoever has the most points wins and the loser has to send the winner a prize. I'm so psyched about this. It'll be easy to rack up water and exercise points which in turn should help with the weight loss points. We'll add to it next month to make it more exciting. It's a challenge that can adapt and keep us on our toes and hold us accountable. I'm really excited to start racking up the points. LOL!!!! I'm more motivated now. IT was a spur of the moment decision as well.
Well, school update now. Everything is going pretty good. My peer group really liked my essay. I was shocked. I read back over this morning and it sounded okay but I'm never to sure of myself. I feel like I'm getting the hang of things. I can only do my best and pray that it's good enough. If I work hard, then I can accomplish anything. I have to remember not to let to much get to me. I have to keep a level head. I tend to panic at the mere mention of essays. THey are not bad and I can inject me into them. I'm actually excited about them now. I guess you can say the confidence is building. I think school has been a great thing for me and for my self confidence. I encourage people to do it. I've been out of school for 14 years. Yes, it's scary and yes, it's hard. Life is hard. Weigh the positives of not going to the positives to not going. WHich one holds more weight? Don't you love how the word weight fits there? LOL!!! Anyway life is great!!!


At 9:23 PM, Blogger breakaway said...

Yes, we gotta love the points and I love that you thought that up so quickly too. Great job in school too. You really seem to be getting the hang of everything and getting used the "speed" life has been throwing at ya. Your just GO GO GO lately and I"m very proud that you take the time for yourself and even your friends :) I can't wait till next month!!


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