Shell's Journey

My name is Shelley. I"m 31 years old. I'm happily married to Jason and mother to Jakob. I'm on a journey to chronicle my weight loss and the ups and downs.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My Baby's BIrthday

Well, there is a lot of things at once. First and foremost, my baby turns 10 today. Yes, we are into the double digits. Where did the time go? Time goes by so fast when you are a parent. I don't want him to grow!!!! I want to keep him little. I know it won't work. He's about as tall as I am now.
The other thing is that last night was my last day at work. It feels really funny knowing that I don't have to go back to work there. I was there 4.5 years. I'll survive!!!
Thirdly, today is the 13th anniversary of my mom's death. I can't believe it's been that long. She would be so proud of my brother and me. I miss her dearly. SHe's always in my thoughts.
Last, the scale read 233 this which is down a pound from yesterday. I'm going to have a relatively good day today. Child gets to pick where we eat for lunch. We are also going bowling so that will be activity. I can also get a walk in at some point.


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