Shell's Journey

My name is Shelley. I"m 31 years old. I'm happily married to Jason and mother to Jakob. I'm on a journey to chronicle my weight loss and the ups and downs.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Getting Better

SW: 261 TW: 234 TL: 27 pounds

Periods really suck. THey can make for unusual fluctations in the scales. I didn't do to bad yesterday. I pretty much stuck to my plan except for supper which I still didn't do bad considering I ate out. A friend and me ate at Bob Evans and I had one chicken breast, one baked potato, a salad, and a piece and half of banana nut bread. Okay, I could have done without the bread, used a lower calorie dressing for my salad, and done without the sour cream for my potato. SOme old habits are hard to break. Normally, I would have gotten the fried chicken strips but I got the grilled chicken instead. I am getting tired of chicken. We're having chicken tonite for supper. I did get in 30 minutes of exercise yesterday. I got in a total of 20 minutes on my elliptical and ten on my bike. TOday I'm shooting for 60 minutes total. I'm off today so there is no excuses. Tomorrow a friend is coming and we are going to the Y. THursday another friend is coming and we are going. I normally get 60 minutes of exercise in when I'm with them. They know how to push me. It's fantastic. I really couldn't do this without my friends for support. They are inspirations to me and I love them all dearly. THe hardest part about leaving my job is the fact that I won't see them everyday. YEs, I'll talk to them everyday but it isn't the same. I still have to get a hold of the other teammate to get her in to exercise. Plus, it's weigh in week this week so we have to turn in our losses to them. GO figure! Weigh in for the challenge on the week I'm on my monthly. UGH!!!!! LOL!!!!! We'll do good. I know a couple have been kicking butt on exercise. The one we have to convince you can overdo it because she's been really pushing it. I understand being all gung ho but you can do to much. I don't want her to hurt herself because then she could backslide. We are all going to lose the weight.


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