Shell's Journey

My name is Shelley. I"m 31 years old. I'm happily married to Jason and mother to Jakob. I'm on a journey to chronicle my weight loss and the ups and downs.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

New Outlook

I'm going to do good today. I'm not going to eat unless I'm hungry and then I'm going to watch what I eat. I'm going to walk to my son's school for his awards program. I feel great that he asked me to come. It really shocked me. He's been the embarrassed little boy for the last couple of years and didn't want mommy around. He's now asking me to plus not afraid to give me hugs and kisses and tell me he loves me with his friends around.
I turned in my three weeks notice to work yesterday. I then turned around and found out that they scheduled me for a day that THEY approved for me to have off. It's the day of my son's birthday party. I've got news for them. I will not work. My son is more important to me than a job that i'm quitting anyway. I want to leave on good standing but will sacrifice it for my child. I am peaved about it. Jason says that if I don't get it off with them giving it to me that I will just up and quit on the 2nd. I won't do that but I will call of Saturday morning.
I'm actually looking forward to taking care of my grandma. I'm looking forward to having the time for my son. I'm looking forward to being there for my family. I won't have to have a strict dress code or watch every p and q. It'll be so much easier going to work then it is now. Plus I'll know in the long run that I did the right thing.


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