Shell's Journey

My name is Shelley. I"m 31 years old. I'm happily married to Jason and mother to Jakob. I'm on a journey to chronicle my weight loss and the ups and downs.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Well, today is my birthday. YEah. I'm 32 now. IT's been a great day. I took a 30 minute walk which is only a third of my walk from yesterday. I weighed in great this morning but I'm not going to record it so I don't jinx it. My weight loss group meets today for the first time. I've never done anything like this. My friends and I are excited to be doing this. I know great things are going to come from it. I feel so motivated and gung ho right now. I was close to wanting to give up because the scale wasn't budging. It's hard and I get upset sometimes because things don't go how I want or as fast as I want. I'm doing it though and I'm not quitting. I started implementing some big changes and it is helping so far. I can keep up this momemtum.


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