Shell's Journey

My name is Shelley. I"m 31 years old. I'm happily married to Jason and mother to Jakob. I'm on a journey to chronicle my weight loss and the ups and downs.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Keeping Motivated

It can be hard to stay motivated. I think it actually may be the hardest thing to do. I think about this day in and day out. I think about why. Some days I think why do I do this? I have to remember why. There are days when i want to throw in the towel but what good would that do me. I would gain back the 27 pounds that I have lost. My health will fail if I don't take control now. On the days my motivation is low I need to take a minute and step back and remember the 50 reasons that are posted on my fridge. I want to accomplish them all.


At 12:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


Keep reading those 50 reasons! You can do this!


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